What does the third cycle research in the arts mean? The third cycle in the arts is the phase that follows after completing a bachelor and a master in higher art education. It is in fact the finalization of the Bologna process. The term ‘third cycle’ does not necessarily mean a PhD trajectory, but this a possibility. It concerns a phase of relevant and deepening research, with a strong connection to practice. show more
expert meeting on third cycle models in Europe In the online expert meeting on June 28th, 2021 we looked into the differences and similarities between (artistic) PhD’s and PD’s in Europe, and the insights from the international Creator Doctus project – and what we can learn from this as a community. The meeting was attended […]
show moreResearch platform GRASP (Groningen Research Arts and Society Platform) is a collaboration of Hanze University (UAS) and the University of Groningen. Artistic research yields unique knowledge and methods within the research domain of art and society, this can be of value for research practices in other domains. Participants can obtain a PhD in GRASP and it is part of the Graduate School for Humanities (GSH) of the University of Groningen in cooperation with the Research Centre Art&Society of Hanze UAS.
show moreMERIAN (the Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network) is an environment in which selected PhD candidates from all art and scientific disciplines can do a PhD trajectory in ‘Maastricht style’ artistic research.
MERIAN, is a collaboration in the field of artistic research between Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht University and the Jan van Eyck Academy.
Creator Doctus is a three-year research trajectory for visual artists and designers. It is a relatively new trajectory within the third cycle and was set up by the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. When the three-year trajectory is completed and judged sufficient by the evaluation committee the participant will be awarded the title Creator Doctus (CrD).
show moredocARTES is an international inter-university doctoral program for practice-based research in musical arts, designed for musician-researchers. It is primarily intended for gifted musicians in the fields of performance and composition, whose artistic work raises questions or problems that can only be addressed through research
show moreARIAS was established as a research platform by five higher education institutions in Amsterdam based on the conviction that merging academic and artistic research by unlocking new perspectives, can contribute to important 21st-century research questions about issues like digitalization, technologization, and internationalization.
show moreAdvancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates is an Erasmus+ program that produces intellectual outputs ready to use for those involved in doctoral supervision across all art disciplines. Innovative formats like an interactive mindmap, exhibitions and essays, a non-normative guide book, a web based tool kit and a prototype for a training module deal with all […]
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