On Thursday 15 May, from 13.00-19.00, Fontys Academy of the Arts in Tilburg organises a public event drawing on the latest issue of Performance Research on Social Imaginaries edited by Danae Theodoridou and Falk Hübner.
The issue includes a collection of insightful socially engaged work and research by authors from all over the world; an attempt to think on what art can do to build communities that can imagine and practice social co-existence differently. During the day, you can expect discussions and workshops by some of the authors, all of them practitioners and researchers in the arts. The day will finish with a dinner.Program will be in English.
And for the very eager ones among you, we would like to extend the invitation and propose the option to stay in Tilburg overnight in order to participate in the Artistic Research Festival of Fontys Academy of the Arts, which will take place on the following day, Friday 16 May.
More information can be found here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rprs20/current.
Please register here and let us know you’re plans, so we can take them into account while organising this event.
See you there!