The domain of the professorship is transdisciplinary co-creation. It examines how co-creation can be equal for all participans and how it can go beyond singular domains. The goal is to use this research to develop tools, methods and approaches that young artists and designers can use in their creative practice, which is becoming increasingly hybrid. By learning to collaborate with surprising partners in various contexts, the arts can make an essential contribution to addressing larger social issues.
In the professorship, boundaries of transdisciplinary co-creation are further explored. Thematic research groups, of about twenty teacher-researchers from different HKU Schools work together for this purpose. Five of them are conducting their practical research in the form of a PhD (PD/PhD). Research internships have also been set up for students from different Schools. Moreover, ‘research lounges’ are organized to which students and teachers not yet involved with the professorship are explicitly invited. A number of successful pilot projects from the previous research period will be continued in the new professorship. Examples include projects such as Performing Working, Prikkel, Robotstories (sequel: Expanding Narratives) and In Search of Stories.
transdisciplinaire samenwerking
transdisciplinary collaboration