domain: art and design
The research group Autonomy aims to empower artists and designers to become professionals who can reignite society’s imagination toward a desirable and sustainable future. Through research and analysis we develop methods and strategies for a new aesthetic avant-garde, i.e., artists and designers who are able to disrupt and transform their professional fields so they can become drivers of emancipatory social change.

At DIS_SEMINAR in September 2019 the professorship presented the performance Ventriloquists III by Philippine Hoegen. Ventriloquists III is a performance, that is both a research method, a product and a presentation of a research project entitled ‘The Self as a Relational Infrastructure in Process’. As such, it is based on a practice-based enquiry into the production of different versions of the self, including the technologies and processes used to produce these versions. How are we to understand the self in the context of the existence of (its) multiple versions?
art & design theory
ethics & politics of art & design
performative defiance