Second symposium by Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM).
Innovation in classical music is happening all around us, driven by individuals and organizations throughout the globe. Although we tend to share our successes, there are few spaces to reflect on the risks and challenges that we encounter in innovative practices. After a call for innovative projects to practitioners, music educators, industry figures and academics, we are delighted to present out symposium programme.
The second MCICM symposium invites delegates from the professional and amateur music sector, classical music industry, music education, and academic and artistic research on musical performance and audience engagement to discuss the central theme of learning through facing challenges, even ‘failure’.
We hope that through discussion of how obstacles create learning the symposium will stimulate a supportive and fruitful dialogue in order to better understand what ingredients lead to successful innovation in classical music.
For the full updated programme, registration and practical information about travel and accommodations, please visit the event website at
About the MCICM
Classical music institutions are faced with challenges. The quality of the performed repertoire tends to be high, but concert attendance is stagnating, audiences are aging, the musical landscape is increasingly hybrid and government subsidies are decreasing. Because of this, the need for innovating the practices of classical music culture has been generally acknowledged. Maastricht University (UM), philharmonie zuidnederland, and Zuyd University for Applied Sciences (Zuyd) aspire to support this innovation through the establishment of the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM). The centre aims to study the dynamics behind changing classical music practices and their societal contexts and to actively shape classical music futures. To do so, the MCICM will combine academic research on innovation of performance practices with artistic research to renew classical music practices and music education in artistically relevant ways.